Friday, October 23, 2009

Is It Time to Stop Squatting?

Mike Boyle, who may be arguably the most influential person in strength and conditioning, has released a new DVD set, entitled Functional Strength Coach Vol. 3. This set follows the success of Functional Strength Coach Vol. 1 and 2.

This DVD set goes over the updates and changes Mike has made to his program over the past 5 years - and if you know Mike, he is one who is not afraid to change and is always looking for a better way to train his athletes and clients.

One of these changes is to stop doing conventional double leg squatting.

That's right. One of the classic core lifts found in nearly every respectable program, regardless of sport, has been put to rest.

Before you buy into the idea, or flat out reject it, take a few minutes and watch this video where Boyle explains exactly how he came to this conclusion:

Death of Squatting

For more info on check out:
Functional Strength Coach Vol. 3

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