Tuesday, June 9, 2009

June Updates Tip Of The Month - Nick Tumminello DVD Reviews

Pre-exercise preparation is frequently overlooked dynamic of a training regiment which can leave workouts lacking in their potential and can even cause serious injury. Lack of warm-up or even absence of the routines is not something too far fetched. The strength and conditioning world has become much more aware of its importance, especially for individuals like Nick Tumminello. Nick Tumminello of Performance University released a pair of DVD's which introduce an abundance of warm-up and mobilization exercises which could be vital to the world of strength and conditioning as well as the general population.

The DVD focusing on warm-up routines began with warm-up principles regarding the components of a routine. General and fundamental exercises, organization, simple and muscle activating are some of the basic principles outlined by Nick Tumminello. He then states the quote, “If it's important, do it everyday.” He then gives complete explanations and demonstrations of about 20+ warm-up exercises, most of which have beginner, intermediate and advanced forms. The exercises would be broken down very meticulously focusing on details as simple as protraction or retraction of the scapula or hand placement. At the conclusion of every exercise which was just demonstrated was a list of the three most important skill cues to guarantee safe and effective form of every motion. The effectiveness of the demonstrations and step by step demonstrations made the exercises extremely easy to mimic. In addition the explanations of the purpose of each exercise was given extensively. In the bonus features you are given an advanced level warm-up routine in real time from start to finish which elapses only about 4:00 minutes time.

The second DVD entitled Secrets of Self Joint Mobilization is formatted almost exactly the same as the warm-up routine video. This video as the title suggests focus's a lot of creating joint mobilization with very unsophisticated equipment. (yoga mat, wooden dowel, towel, tennis ball, taped, tennis ball, and a water bottle) Once again, Nick Tumminello gives basic principles about how to safely and effectively go about these types of motions. The number one principle entails moving through a pain free range of motion in addition to being progressive, purposeful and making sure that you are staying within your scope of practice. What I found most beneficial about this movie is that there were exercises many of us knew already but were given one extra twist to heighten the effectiveness of the movement and usually target more than one area. For example a deep diagonal squat off a physioball opens up the hip joints but while performing this movement the exerciser has their hands behind their head in the “cuffed” position pulling open the shoulder capsules. Combining movements such as this greatly increases the efficiency of your movements and decreases the time needed to perform a full routine.

Both of these video demonstrations give a great foundation for any strength coach, personal trainer or gym goer to write their own pre exercise routine. The video also encourages independent thinking and creativity by the viewers to branch off these ideas and even further improve the movements provided you keep the movements safe and effective. I personally found these videos highly educational and would recommend them to be viewed especially by fitness professionals looking to create or improve a pre-exercise regiment.

-Eric Discko


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