Thursday, December 3, 2009

S B Coaches College - Tip of the Month December 2009

This month's tip of the month is a guest blog post from strength and conditioning coach, Sergio Merino. Sergio has been interning for me since August and has really grown as a young professional and really gets what it means to be a strength and conditioning coach. He is still learning about training methodologies and how to coach and get athletes to do what he wants, but really understands that the field is very broad and we have many responsibilities as coaches.

This was a blog post that I really enjoyed and am sure that all of you will as well.


The Missing Factor in Strength and Conditioning Programs

Long time no post but I'm really fired up for this one.

Sitting here at work I began to think to myself what separates losers from winners. Is it skill? Probably. Is it genetics? Probably. Is it better coaching? Maybe. Is it a better training program? Possibly.

There are so many factors that can influence the outcome of a game but what if you evenly matched every single outside factor? You're left with a factor that must be internal. Then it hit me. Teams that win are competitors. No matter who they face they are ready to compete. They don't hang their heads in defeat when the odds are stacked against them or they're down by so many scores it seems unlikely that they can actually make a comeback.

Click here to read the rest

S B Coaches College - Tip of the Month December 2009

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