Saturday, August 15, 2009

YSCCa Newsletter

The Young Strength and Conditioning Coaches Association (YSCCa) is a great idea from a passionate young strength coach from the University of Louisville, Adam Feit.
Adam and some other like minded professionals came up with the idea to start a group for up and coming strength and conditioning coaches to learn, discuss and support each other as they grow professionally.

"It is the goal of the YSCCa to fine tune all aspects of our development as strength and conditioning coaches, through various means of discussions, e-mails, and personal contact. We must learn from the best around us. We must absorb, modify and apply various lessons of life so that one day, we can empower not just ourselves, but to those around us (as our mentors did with us). - Adam Feit

Sign up at facebook to be apart of their group and to get great newsletters like the one here:
YSCCa August 09 Newsletter

This is sure to be a great group apart of with lots of learning opportunities - not only about the profession, but also life.

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